This is not your Mama's blog. Again, fair warning. Those followers from Facebook who know me as a non-cussing, semi-positive poster may be a bit....well, you tell me. But I do love this picture. I saw her and I fell in love. I wanted to feed her the world's top chocolate of her choice. I wanted to snuggle her with the most cozy blanket, give her the strongest narcotic on the planet via IV (because that would a) get to the pain in seconds and b) make her feel really relaxed, sleepy and a bit "good". Frankly for all of you judgementalists out there who say that's wrong, that could lead to addiction, blahblahfrickin'blah, we've heard it like a zillion times.
The possibility of addiction comes with having chronic and long term pain ---- in my case the cause is a lovely brain tumor. My own Lil Bastard. We are used to being judged AND so used to being lectured to. Oooooooh the lectures.... People have good hearts, they do. They have such loving intentions. But I have had people I know and total strangers come up to me telling me how to live my life to fit into the confines of what they think is right, what the culture thinks is right and I've had them react very poorly when I do not respond favorably. Meaning ----- Jenn doesn't drink the green tea/do weird enema/jump up and down while hand flapping 22 times during the full moon in circles blinking twice on the 3rd circle/ drink the blood of a fledgling goat on the full moon of June
"Take a tylenol." "Oh, I've heard that drinking green tea but ONLY in the mornings, I mean it ONLY in the mornings works wonders!!" Oh dear Lord... and the best yet, drum roll please, dun dun dunna duuuuuun "Colon cleanses. There are SO many toxins held in your colons.You need to do them every week. For like, I don't know. Months. "
Good God.
So leave your own horrible advice for me. tee hee This is all in good humor. I'd really love to hear it. I need the laugh.
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